home : A Tribute for Nicholas N. Ambraseys, Honorary Member, by Edmund Booth
A Tribute for Nicholas N. Ambraseys, Honorary Member, by Edmund Booth
Prof. N. N. Ambraseys
Nicholas Neocles Ambraseys (1929-2012) was one of the towering figures of engineering seismology, who played a key role in the development of the discipline for more than half a century - from before the foundation of the IAEE in 1963 (he attended the committee meetings in 1960 that led to its establishment) right up to the time of his death at his London home on 28th December. He was born to Greek parents and educated in Athens, although his mother was born in Alexandria and most of his professional life was based in the United Kingdom; he also spent extended periods abroad on earthquake field missions all over the world and had many strong academic links to continental Europe, the United States and elsewhere. His therefore was a truly international career; he used his ease in diverse cultures and languages in a very distinctive way to make important contributions to many aspects of our discipline. Most notable of these contributions were advancing the understanding of seismic slope stability, his collection and rigorous interpretation of earthquake field data, his pioneering use of historical documents for establishing extended records of seismic activity and (equally importantly) his inspirational teaching and mentoring of many generations of seismic engineers. He developed many tools to help the world cope better with earthquakes, and that contribution will be lasting.
Brief curriculum vitae
Ambraseys studied engineering at the National Technical University of
Athens, graduating in 1952. After a period on the staff of NTUA in
the Department of Fluid Mechanics, he went on to Imperial College
London, where in 1958 he obtained his PhD under Alec Skempton and
Alan Bishop; his subject was "The seismic
stability of earth dams". That year, he joined the staff of
Imperial College, where ten years later he established the
Engineering Seismology Section, and was appointed full professor of
Engineering Seismology in 1974. In 1994, at the age of 65, he
"retired" with the title Emeritus Professor, but maintained the
post of Senior Research Investigator; retirement made little
difference to his professional output or his presence in the College,
and indeed one third of his papers and three of his six books were
published after retirement. He received many honours during his
lifetime, including in Britain election to the Royal Academy of
Engineering and life membership of the Society for Earthquake and
Civil Engineering Dynamics, in Greece membership to the Academy of
Athens (one of only two engineers on this small, prestigious body)
and in the USA honorary membership of the Earthquake Engineering
Research Institute. In 1986 he was elected an honorary member of the
European Association of Earthquake Engineering, of which he was a
founder member, prime instigator and sometime secretary and vice
president and he was also an honorary member of the International
Association, on which he served as UK representative for a time.
Fuller details of his career, and an affectionate tribute to his
qualities by those who knew him well, can be found on
http://cires.colorado.edu/~bilham/Ambraseys.html .
A seminal early event in Nick's career occurred in 1956. In that
year, an earthquake of about M=7.5 centred under the Mediterranean
Sea caused much damage and triggered the largest 20th
Century tsunami in the eastern Aegean. His study of the effects of
the earthquake and tsunami on harbours in the Greek archipelago
brought together a number of the interests which were to dominate the
rest of his professional career - seismic slope stability, field
studies of earthquakes and the use and interpretation of historical
documents; this third interest featured in a paper1
he published in 1960 on the tsunami.
Seismic slope stability was an early interest, including the
deformation and displacement of slopes, soil liquefaction and other
geotechnical aspects of earthquake engineering. The subject of
Nick's PhD thesis, this work was continued by Sarada Sarma, the
first PhD student to graduate in 1968 from Nick's newly established
department of engineering seismology at Imperial. Previously, Nick
had worked for a time with another giant of earthquake engineering,
Nathan Newmark; in his famous 1965 paper2
on the sliding block method for estimating soil displacements in
earthquakes, Newmark acknowledged Nick for his comments and
suggestions. The interest extended to geotechnical design
consultancy, and Nick provided advice on the design and siting of
some twenty large dams in seismic environments.
on field studies of earthquakes, the second of his major
interests, form two thirds of his output and between 1963 and 1981
Nick undertook around 30 field missions all over the world, usually
as leader of a UNESCO mission. Missions for Nick were not for some
vague or touristic purpose; he used them to collect quantitative data
from the seismological effects of earthquakes, which were later used
to produce relationships for rupture length, surface slip, earthquake
magnitude and macroseismic intensity. He was still publishing from
the data in his field notebooks into his eighties. Nick wrote in his
Mallet-Milne lecture of 19883
"···.the site of a damaging earthquake is undoubtedly a
full-scale laboratory, in which significant discoveries may be made
by keen observers - seismologists, geologists, engineers,
sociologists and economists, not to mention politicians." He
added "I feel that any advancement of our knowledge about the
assessment and mitigation of earthquake risk should be accompanied by
a growth in our accumulation of reliable observational data···.. much
computer effort has been diverted to solving problems based on
guessed parameters and more data from field observations are now
required." He warned sternly "There is little room in
Engineering Seismology for 'armchair' seismologists and
These two areas on their own would have been more than sufficient for most
careers, but some of Nick's most important and lasting
contributions to engineering seismology were in yet a third - the
study of historical accounts of earthquakes. It is easy to
see that an instrumental catalogue going back only a hundred years is
insufficient for establishing the very low probability event required
for a nuclear power station, particularly in seismically quiet
regions like the United Kingdom. Nick's work showed they can also
mislead in highly active areas like Anatolia, where his use of
historical records clearly demonstrated fluctuations in activity
levels with a timescale of many hundreds of years, directly
contradicting the usual assumption of stationarity. The implications
for estimating seismic hazard are immense. Nick's ability in
language, his experience of different cultures and his interests in
fields outside engineering as well as his rigorous examination of
sources made him perhaps uniquely suited to the subject. His
collaboration with the historian Charles Melville resulted in the
1982 publication of the seminal work 'A history of Persian
which demonstrated all these qualities, and later collaborations,
including that with Robin Adams, produced a series of books which
continued to exploit these methods. His sixth and final book,5
a magisterial study of the seismicity of the eastern Mediterranean
and Middle East, was published in 2009, when he was
multi-faceted career covered other aspects too, notably the study of
strong motion data. He started the systematic collection and
cataloguing of strong motion records in 1971, and was centrally
involved in the establishment of the Internet
Site for European Strong-motion Data, which had its roots in
these earlier efforts of Nick. He also published predictive
equations for earthquake-induced ground displacements and the maximum
distance at which liquefaction may occur, equations that are still in
use today.
generations can only progress by standing on the shoulders of the
giants who went before them, and there is no doubt that in our field,
Nick was one of those giants. His work left its mark on numerous
students in the many fields in which he was active, and he is widely
acknowledged as an inspirational teacher and mentor. He left the
world much better prepared for earthquakes than he found it, and his
legacy will surely endure.
tribute was prepared by Edmund Booth, with much help from friends and
colleagues at Imperial College, and elsewhere.
Ambraseys, N.N. (1960). The seismic sea wave of July 9, 1956, in the
Greek Archipelago. Journal of Geophysical Research, 65, no. 4, pp.
Newmark N.M. (1965).
Effects of Earthquakes on Dams and Embankments.
G�otechnique, Volume 15, Issue 2, 01 June, pp. 139 -160
Ambraseys, N. N. (1988). Engineering seismology. The First
Mallet-Milne lecture. Earthquake Engineering and Structural
Dynamics, Vol 17 No1, September, pp. 1-105.
Ambraseys, N.N. and Melville C. (1982). A history
of Persian earthquakes, Cambridge University Press.
Ambraseys, N. N. (2009). Earthquakes in the
eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East: a multidisciplinary study
of 2000 years of seismicity. Cambridge University Press.